Some common children’s health conditions that we see include:


Eczema is one of the most common conditions that presents in our paediatric population. In many instances it begins early on during infancy or later on during childhood into adulthood. Skin conditions can be uncomfortable for both children and parents and sometimes severely disruptive to one’s psychosocial growth and development. 

Our naturopathic doctors’ focus is treating eczema from the inside out. We attain a thorough intake, perform a physical exam and use functional testing to determine any underlying factors. There can be many potential underlying triggers ranging from stress, microbiome imbalance, food sensitivities, environmental and digestive stressors.


Constipation is traditionally defined as less than 3 bowel movements per week but may also involve having dry and hard stools, bowel movements that are painful or difficult to pass and feeling like bowels are not fully cleared. 

It is important to understand the underlying cause of constipation and there can be many to consider: food intolerances, leaky gut syndrome, regulating the gut-brain axis, and microbiome imbalances.

Our naturopathic doctors use a thorough intake, physical exam and functional testing to help uncover the root cause of constipation.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) commonly presents by age 2 as a developmental disorder affecting behaviour and communication. Many children also experience immune, digestive and neuro-motor symptoms that accompany the diagnosis.

Our team of naturopathic doctors focus on removing any obstacles that could prevent a child from progressing in their development.

Functional medicine testing takes centre stage as it enables our doctors to identify underlying factors that may delay neurodevelopment.


Testing for food sensitivities, organic acids, heavy metals, vitamin-mineral nutrient levels, genetics, hormones and gastrointestinal health are regularly performed. Naturopathic treatments are gentle and individualized to each child and their unique needs.


ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a condition that impacts attention and focus, impulse control and the ability to sit still. ADHD is the most common mental health condition diagnosed in children. It can be identified early on in school age children.

There are three types: Inattentive, Hyperactive-Impulsive, and Combined or a combination of both. 

Genetics, neurotransmitter imbalances, reduced blood flow to the brain, natural lags in brain development, environmental toxins, prenatal health factors and prematurity have all been linked to ADHD.

Our naturopathic doctors use functional medicine testing that may include reviewing vitamin and mineral status, organic acids testing, and food sensitivity testing to gain a deeper understanding of precipitating factors. Thereafter, our naturopaths develop a personalized treatment plan to support any identified imbalances.


PANS: Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome

PANDAS: Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcal Infection

PANS and PANDAS are a group of neuropsychiatric syndromes characterized by the sudden onset of OCD, tics and/or neuropsychiatric symptoms including depression, anxiety, aggression, oppositional behaviours, sleep problems, urinary frequency, enuresis or other signs of behavioural regression. 

In the case of PANDAS, the disorder is commonly associated with a history of strep infection. For PANS possible triggers may be infectious or non-infectious psychosocial stressors.

PANS and PANDAS are considered autoimmune conditions targeting the brain and nervous system causing episodic flares that wax and wane.

Specialized blood tests and extensive functional medicine testing is performed to identify underlying precipitating factors that are triggering flares and autoimmune reactions in the brain and nervous systems. A supportive naturopathic treatment plan aims at managing flares and correcting the immune system imbalance.