What happens in the first visit?

Depending on which naturopathic doctor you see the first visit may be slightly different. The visit will be 60 – 90 minutes in length and will include a thorough health history and discussion of your health goals. The first visit will include a review of any lab testing you may have done previously and an assessment and requisition of any further testing needed. Your practitioner may perform a physical exam if necessary and will start you on your treatment course. You will walk away with (or be emailed if virtual) an individualized, evidence based treatment plan.

Are you able to run lab tests?

Yes. Your naturopathic doctor will likely request some additional lab testing to help assess and monitor your health thoroughly.

Typical testing includes; blood testing – lipid panels, blood sugar, sex hormone levels, thyroid panel, iron assessment, vitamin D, B12, cortisol levels, inflammatory markers, autoimmune markers and many more… Food sensitivity testing (IgG based), Stool testing and other digestive health assessment tools like SIBO testing , Hair mineral and heavy metal levels, Comprehensive hormone testing via either urine or saliva.

Please get in touch with any specific questions about lab testing and for a complete list of tests available. | 416.920.4325

Please note that testing done with your naturopathic dr. will not be covered by OHIP.

Are your services covered by extended health benefits?

Yes! Most individuals have some level of naturopathic coverage included in their extended health benefit plan. Please check with your provider.