At Bloor Integrative Health, our naturopathic doctors, Dr. Bizios and Dr. Bauer, assist patients with a variety of skin conditions.

Why Visit A Naturopathic Clinic For Skin Conditions

Skin and dermatological conditions are usually an expression of what is going on internally. Naturopathic doctors spend time assessing and addressing your whole health when dealing with a skin concern.  

Areas of health that often relate to skin health include the digestive system, microbial balance in the digestive system and on the skin, intestinal permeability (leaky gut syndrome), inflammation in the digestive system and in general, stress response and cortisol levels, diet and food sensitivities, optimal intake of healthy fats as well as allergens, histamine reactions, stability of the immune system and reproductive hormones and androgens.  

Skin Conditions Our Naturopaths Help Treat


Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes red, itchy scaly patches typically on the knees, elbows, trunk and scalp. A biopsy of the affected skin is the most accurate diagnostic tool.  

What triggers psoriasis

This chronic condition can be triggered and aggravated by stress, food sensitivities, increased levels of inflammation, an imbalance in the immune system, medications and infections. There is often a genetic influence in the development of psoriasis. 

Naturopathic treatment for psoriasis

Naturopathic treatment can include an anti-inflammatory diet, removal of food sensitivities and typical food allergens, optimizing healthy fats, Vitamin D and UV light exposure, stress reduction, addressing systemic inflammation, healing the gut, balancing good bacteria in the gut and immune system regulation.


Acne is a multifactorial condition that can be very distressing whether acute or chronic. Even though modern medicine doesn’t have a clear understanding of cause or treatment there are many clues and naturopathic treatments that can help. It is important to assess the role of inflammation, diet, food sensitivities, infection, hormones (reproductive, androgens, insulin like growth factor) liver detoxification, and stress.

Naturopathic treatment for acne

Treatment is based on individual factors and understanding your unique health picture. After thorough assessment and necessary lab testing it will likely involve some combination of dietary modifications, nutritional supplementation, support for hormonal balancing and detoxification.


Rosacea is a skin condition that affects the centre of the face, cheeks, nose and sometimes the eyes. It can appear as flushed and red, can have broken blood vessels, sensitive skin and acne like breakouts. There are different types of rosacea that present in slightly different ways.  

Naturopathic treatment for rosacea

A naturopathic doctor will help assess the underlying factors at play. Some common triggers and aggravators include diet, alcohol, food sensitivities, bacterial balance throughout the digestive system including H pylori, inflammation and stress.  

Treatment will address your unique patterns and underlying concerns and will likely involve dietary modifications, healing the digestive system, optimizing good bacteria, reducing unwanted microorganisms, minimizing stress and modulating inflammation.


Eczema is a common, chronic inflammatory skin concern that can start at any stage of life. It presents as red, inflamed, itchy skin lesions that can be either dry or wet and can sometimes have pustules. At times, eczema can be part of a greater inflammatory process in the body that can include asthma and rhinitis (allergies). Eczema presents most commonly after either a specific exposure or a total burden to the body, triggering the presentation. 

What can cause eczema

Contributing factors can include food and environmental allergic triggers and/or an underlying gastrointestinal dysbiosis (unbalanced good and bad bacteria) or overt inflammatory conditions of the bowel.

Naturopathic treatment for eczema

The goal with treating eczema is to address any factors contributing to a whole-body burden, while at the same time relieving any discomfort. Treatment often includes identifying dietary and environmental allergic triggers, addressing any digestive involvement , the oral supplementation with targeted nutrients and topical treatment if required.


Hives, or urticaria, are local wheals and redness in the superficial layer of the skin. Chronic urticaria are any wheals or redness lasting more than six weeks. Hives form as a result of histamine release that triggers a cascade of immune cell involvement and changes to the local vasculature. Acute hives often have a different underlying process than chronic hives and will involve a different workup and treatment course. 

Naturopathic treatment for hives

Naturopathic treatment will typically involve a thorough assessment of possible food and environmental triggers, digestive support and support to help balance the immune system and reduce histamine and inflammation.