Functional medicine is an evidence-based approach that seeks to understand how and why disease happens by addressing the underlying or root causes of illness that are unique for every individual. 

The practice of functional medicine is a paradigm shift in medicine that moves away from a disease-focused practice to a more patient-centered approach. The emphasis is on treating the whole person and less on individual symptoms. 

Functional medicine practitioners take the time to listen to their patients, review their entire health history and discuss the many factors that impact their overall health and wellness. These include environmental, psychosocial, biochemical, physical, mental, emotional and lifestyle factors. This information enables functional medicine practitioners to create personalized care plans that optimize overall wellness.

For patients with chronic illness, it is critical to seek out why this is happening and to understand how underlying factors are contributing to the chronic disease state.  Functional medicine testing provides detailed information about one’s unique biochemical and physiological health status which offers clues to better understanding the underlying manifestations of chronic illness.

The goal of functional medicine is to address the unique presentations of disease in each individual and design personalized treatment plans that aim to restore or optimize health.

The goal of functional medicine is to address the unique presentations of disease in each individual and design personalized treatment plans that aim to restore or optimize health.

Our naturopathic doctors take a functional medicine based approach with all of our patients.